Julia And Jacques Cooking At Home

julia and jacques cooking at home

Amazon.Com Review

Julia and Jacques cooking at home is the companion volume of Julia Child and Jacques Pepins PBS series. This is how it works: Two TV chef personalities confront the same ingredients and work together to create the dishes. The recipes reveal themselves along the way.

What’s most important here–and it shows up in the cookbook–is that there is no one way to cook. You don’t have to follow the instructions, the idea is to try the suggestions. Julia and Jacques offer many tips for home cooking French-style. There are many other tips.

Let’s take chicken as an example. Julia said that “not everything I do when roasting chicken is necessarily scientific.” My bird gets a full butter massage every time I cook it. Why? Because it tastes good and the chicken seems to like it. Julia arranges the chicken on a tray in a 350-degree oven. Jacques roasts his chicken in the same pan at 425°F. “To me,” he says, “it’s very important to place the chicken on its side for all but 10 minutes of roasting.” After 25 minutes he turns his chicken over, careful not to tear the skin, and lowers the heat to 400. The bird finishes breast-side up for the last 15 to 20 minutes.

There are chapters that cover soups, appetizers as well as eggs, sandwich, potato, chicken, meats, desserts, and salads. It works well throughout and you might recognize some of the information you’ve heard. There are no big surprises here. But it’s good fun, a decent reminder of some of the classics of French tradition, and a chance to loosen up and simply cook at home with a couple of masters–one to the right of you, one to the left. The only thing you have to do is decide what hamburger is the best. –Schuyler Ingle

julia and jacques cooking at home

From Publishers Weekly

Child is the culinary guru and P?pin is the master chef. You can find chapters on appetizers. This book draws on the extensive experience of the chefs to provide a simplified approach to French home cooking. Julia calls the dark veins in shrimp “ugly” but Jacques thinks they are “perfectly acceptable protein to eat.” Julia uses white pepper to season her food, while Jacques uses black pepper. P?pin and Child recycle classic Franco-American recipes like Omelets and Souffl’s. They also use a modern twist to the traditional French-American dishes, such as Sole Meuni??re, Roast Chicken and Steak Au Poivre. Eschewing today’s trendy global pantry, recipes emphasize fresh, seasonal ingredients. It is not difficult to find tips for cooking and shopping. Jacques offers his perspective on how to buy a quality steak. A charismatic tag team, veterans Child and P?pin illuminate novice and seasoned home cooks alike, gently reminding readers that “eating, as well as cooking, should be pleasurable and guiltless.” First serial to Gourmet. Good Cook Book Club main collection. Author tour. FYI (Sept. ) Cooking at Home is an upcoming 22-part PBS series.

Copyright 1999 Reed Business Information, Inc.

julia and jacques cooking at home

Inside Flap

Julia Child, Jacques PA(c),pin and Jacques Cooking at the Home are the companion volumes to Julia and Jacques Cooking at the Home. These two famous cooks invite us into their home and share the secrets of great home cooking.

This book is unique because of the wealth of information that they provide on each page. They demonstrate techniques, discuss ingredients and improvise. Center stage in these pages are carefully spelled-out recipes flanked by Julia’s comments and Jacques’s comments–the accumulated wisdom of a lifetime of honing their cooking skills. These words suggest that there is no set recipe. That is one important lesson for any great cook.

So sharpen your knives and join in the fun as you learn to make . . .

*-Supplements: From traditional and instant gravlax, to homemade sausages in brioche, and a country pAC/tA (c), *-Eggs –omelets, “tortillas”, scrambled and poached eggs, as well as lessons on how to cut up meats. . .

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This beautifully illustrated book will show you Julia’s and Jacques’s hands in action. They’ll be sharing the delight of cooking with you, exchanging ideas, laughing, and enjoying the time together. Again and again they demonstrate that cooking is endlessly fascinating and challenging and, while ultimately personal, it is a joy to be shared.

julia and jacques cooking at home

Cover from the Back

A companion volume for the popular television series Julia and Jacques: Cooking at Home. Julia Child, a legendary chef, and Jacques Pepin invite us into their homes to learn the fundamentals of home cooking.

What makes this book unique is the richness of information they offer on every page, as they demonstrate techniques (on which they don’t always agree), discuss ingredients, improvise, balance flavors to round out a meal, and conjure up new dishes from leftovers. Center stage in these pages are carefully spelled-out recipes flanked by Julia’s comments and Jacques’s comments–the accumulated wisdom of a lifetime of honing their cooking skills. Their words clearly suggest that not everything is fixed in stone. That is one important lesson for any great cook.

So sharpen your knives and join in the fun as you learn to make . . .

*—-Appetizers -anything from traditional to instant grav-lax, to your very own country pate or sausage in brioche * -Eggs –omelets and tortillas; scrambled eggs and egg yolks; scrambled eggs and egg yolks; and eggs used as a link for sauces. . .

Throughout this richly illustrated book you’ll see Julia’s and Jacques’s hands at work, and you’ll sense the pleasure the two are having cooking together, tasting, exchanging ideas, joshing with each other, and raising a glass to savor the fruits of their labor. You will see them repeatedly proving that cooking is both fascinating and difficult and, although ultimately personal and shared, is an enjoyable experience.

julia and jacques cooking at home

About the Author

Julia Child was born in Pasadena, California. Smith College she graduated and then worked as an OSS operative during World War II. Julia Child lived in Paris afterward and learned French with Simone Beck. The French Chef, a television series featuring Julia Child, was created by BostonaEUR.tm’s WGBH. She won the Peabody Award and Emmy awards in 1965, 1966, and became a nationally recognized celebrity. Numerous books and television programs were produced. She passed away in 2004.

Jacques PA(c),pin is the author twenty-one cookbooks including The Apprentice, the best-selling book. He also co-authored Julia and Jacques Cooking At Home with Julia Child. Over three hundred shows have been hosted by him on PBS. He’s appeared frequently on PBS for over ten years. He contributes to Food & Wine as a editor and is also the dean in special programs for the French Culinary Institute, New York City. He was the personal chef of three French heads-of-state before he moved to America.

julia and jacques cooking at home

Excerpt. Excerpt. All Rights Reserved.

Potato salad is perfect picnic fare, but it is a good side dish any time of year, dressed and garnished in various styles to suit the season. Julia’s American-style potato Salad is served with crispy bacon bits, hard-boiled eggs, pickled onions, celery and a drizzle of homemade mayonnaise. To ensure the flavors have time ripening, make this at least one hour in advance and then let it cool down or serve at room temperature. Jacques’s hot potato salad is great for winter dishes. The potatoes are tossed in white wine, oil, scallions and garlic. Warm it with slices of warm sausage or other meats.

Low-starch, firm-textured “waxy”, potatoes are best for salad. They can be used as small, new, boiling, or delicate fingerlings. Yukon Gold and other all-purpose potatoes have waxy flesh that are delicious. Whatever kind you use, dress the potatoes while they are still warm so that they best absorb the flavors, and gently fold in all the dressing and seasoning ingredients in one or two additions only, so the potato pieces don’t get mashed from overhandling.

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Julia’s American-Style Potato Salad Yield: About 6 cups, serving 4 to 6 2 pounds large Yukon Gold potatoes, or other waxy, boiling potatoes 2 Tbs cider vinegar 1/3 cup chicken stock or potato-cooking water 2/3 cup finely chopped onion 1/2 cup finely chopped celery 3 or 4 slices crisply cooked bacon, chopped or crumbled 2 to 3 Tbs finely chopped pickle, sweet or dill 2 hard-boiled eggs, peeled and sliced thin 3 Tbs or so finely chopped fresh chives or scallions, including a bit of their tender green Salt and freshly ground white pepper 1 cup or so mayonnaise, homemade if possible (pages 117 and 120) Sour cream (optional) Crisp whole red-leaf or other lettuce leaves Canned red pimiento, diced; sliced hard-boiled eggs; tomato quarters; parsley sprigs (optional) Peel the potatoes and slice each one lengthwise in half, or in quarters if very large; then cut crosswise into half-round or quarter-round slices, about 1/2 inch thick.

Put the slices in a saucepan with water just to cover and 1 1/2 teaspoons of salt per quart of water. Reduce heat and bring to a simmer. Cook potatoes 5-6 minutes until tender. To ensure that the potatoes are cooked to perfection, it is important they do not overcook. Take a few slices to ensure that they are cooked through. Now, immediately turn off the heat. Once the potatoes are drained from the pan, place the colander in the sink. Save a little bit of cooking liquid so that you can dress your potatoes. Move the potatoes into a large bowl. The cider vinegar, 1/3 cup of the potato liquid or chicken stock should be mixed and then drizzled over the potatoes. Make sure to turn the potatoes gently so that it spreads evenly. Allow the liquid to sit for 10 minutes.

Mix the chopped celery, onion, bacon, pickle and chives together. Season to taste. Top with 2/3 cup of mayonnaise (or a mix of mayonnaise and a bit of sour cream) and, with a large rubber spatula, gently fold everything together until well blended. Adjust the seasonings to suit your taste.

Place the covered salad in a bowl and let it rest for about an hour before you serve. You can let the salad come to room temp if it is kept longer in the refrigerator. You can taste and adjust the seasoning.

Serve the salad by covering a plate or bowl with lettuce leaves or other greens. You can decorate at any time with any or all the garnishes.

Jacques’s French Potato Salsad yields 6-8 cups. It can be used to serve 4-6 2 lb fingerling potatoes (or other small waxy potato varieties) 1/2 cup extra virgin olive oil 1/4 cup chopped onion 1/2 cup diced scallion green and white parts, and 1/3 cup Dijon-style mustard 1 1/2 Tbs Dijon mayonnaise 1 1/2 Tbs Dijon mustard 1 1/2 Tbs fresh cracked black pepper (coarse) 1/2 tsp fresh green basil and potatoes whole. The water should boil. Reduce heat and simmer gently for about 20 minutes. Allow to cool, then drain the water. (Scrape the skin from the cooked potatoes, if you want, as soon as they can be handled. You can create decorative fingerlings by removing a small amount of skin from the sides and top of each potato. Heat 2 tablespoons of the olive oil in a small saute pan. Once the oil is hot, add the onion and scallions to the pan. Cook for approximately a minute on medium heat. Add the garlic, toss to mix, and cook for just a few moments, then remove the pan from the heat.

Cut the potato crosswise in 1/2-inch pieces while they are still warm. Combine the potato pieces with 3 to 4 tablespoons oil and wine in a large bowl. Stir to combine. Mix together the vegetables, mustard, chopped herbs and salt. You can taste the salad, and adjust your seasonings if necessary.

Make sure to warm the potatoes, no colder that room temperature. The large radicchio radicchio stems, if any, should be placed in a tight circle on the serving platter. Their curved ends up will create a rough bowl. Spoon the potato salad inside the leaves, sprinkle chopped egg around the edges, and parsley over the top.

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julia and jacques cooking at home

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However, the joy of learning ceased at some point when autopilot kicked in. If you watched television food prep since Pampers days, you already know how to cut the flesh out of an avocado. Television chefs tend to use beautiful butcher cuts, wrapped in tissue paper. You won’t find any fowl blood under your fingers. There are no closeups on sinew.

Julia and Jacques, though. Both had real weapons.

These episodes of Cooking at Home are not called “California Boat Cruise Picnic” as they would be in a Giada episode.

Are you familiar with J&J? This is how they show you how these things can be prepared.

Of course they do. They’re both two great chefs with incredible skills. It’s not that home cooks or weekend warriors don’t have their place, is there? To learn these methods from Amazon’s two experts felt like finding a magic wand hidden under some supportive pantyhose.

They are a natural team. The two of them taught cooking together at Boston University in 1980s. Their show was started when they shot PBS specials. Jacques writes in The New York Times that people respond to their polite, back-and forth jabbing.

We argued on the stage and stole each other’s mise-en-place. It was easy to be together. We had heated and opinionated conversations, which resulted from our affectionate disagreements. However, we were passionate about what we did. It’s true. On Cooking at Home, Jacques and Julia each make a similar recipe their own way. Each other look at their creations and comment on how they could have used more salt or stirred it up. They have a very rigid way of doing things. Julia isn’t a fan of fish skin. She likes white pepper, not black. Jacques loves garlic. Their differences aren’t what makes them different.

Each episode starts with a theme song or a prop.

It’s dated. Forgive the garnishes of flowers made from vegetables. The 1990s nutrition environment is also exposed, as Julia repeatedly refers to people who don’t like to eat fat. Kitchen gadgets such as salad spinners are available. (Related article: Should I purchase a Salad Spinner? But the techniques are real. Watching Jacques cut up poultry is absorbing. There are three methods to cook chicken: whole rack-roasted or trussed under skin. Butterflied is another option. How to prepare a simple omelet. This is where the turkey comes in. Our Thanksgiving this year will be an epic disaster.

Which Year Were Julia and Jacques Home Cooking?

Julia Child’s outstanding contribution to American culture and cuisine is honored in the special. Julia Child, on one hand, is honored with this special. Julia, on the other, is mixing her most favorite recipes from 1963 to 1999.

Did Julia and Jacques cook at Home?

Our three-hour PBS Specials “Cooking in Concert” and “Cooking in Concert”, both three-hours long, were produced at B.U. These specials eventually led us to do a series for PBS together at Julia’s home in Cambridge. Both the series and companion cookbook were called “Julia and Jacques Cooking at Home.”Aug 14, 2012

Julia Child Cooked in Her Kitchen

Child built counter tops custom made to her Boston home to make it easy to cook in her space. The counter tops were “a couple inches higher than standard counters,” says the National Museum of American History, where Child’s original kitchen is located in Washington, D.C.Nov. 3, 2021

Who Inherited Julia Child’S Estate?

Makenna Johnston

.Julia And Jacques Cooking At Home

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